Further Reading

Recommended Reading

Bingle, John, Past and Present Records of Newcastle, Bayley, Son and Harwood, Newcastle, 1873 – Read at NLA

Cushing, Nancy, McIntyre, Julie and Roberts, David Andrew, eds., ‘Colonial Newcastle: Essays on a Nineteenth Century Port and Hinterland’, Journal of Australian Colonial History, vol. 19, 2017, University of New England, Armidale, 2017.

Clouten, Keith H., Reid’s Mistake: A History of Lake Macquarie, Lake Macquarie Shire Council, 1967.

Dunn, Mark, The Convict Valley, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, 2020

Grovier, Kelly, The Gaol: The Story of Newgate – London’s Most Notorious Prison, John Murray (Publishers), London, 2008.

Hendrickson, Gay, Cowley, Trudy, Liston, Carol & Parramatta Heritage Centre and University of Western Sydney, Women Transported: life in Australia’s convict female factories, Parramatta City Council Heritage Centre, Parramatta, 2008 – Read at Parramatta Heritage Centre

Goold, Wilfred James, The Birth of Newcastle, Newcastle and Hunter District Historical Society, Newcastle, 1981

Hook, Elizabeth, Journey to a New Life: the Story of the ships Emu in 1812 and Broxbornebury in 1814, self-published, Minto, 2000.

Hunter, Cynthia, Zawislak, Pawel and Maitland City Heritage Group, Bound for Wallis Plains: Maitland’s convict settlers, Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2012.

Hunter, Cynthia, The Settlers of Paterson’s Plains, Paterson Historical Society, Paterson, 1997.

McCabe, Kristine, ‘Assignment of Female Convicts on the Hunter River 1831-1840’, Australian Historical Studies, 113, 1990, Download at NLA

Oxley, Deborah, Convict Maids: The Forced Migration of Women to Australia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1996.

Robinson, Portia, The Women of Botany Bay, Macquarie Monograph, Sydney, 1988.

Roberts, David Andrew, ‘Dissent and Ill-Discipline: The Newcastle Penal Settlement 1804-1823’, in Bennett, J., Cushing, N., and Ecklund, E., Radical Newcastle, New South Publishing, Sydney, 2015.

Salt, Annette, These outcast women: the Parramatta Female Factory 1821-1848, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1984

Shilling, Maree, compiler, Early Newcastle: the Fettered and the Free, Newcastle Family History Society, Lambton, 2005.

Smith, Babette, A Cargo of Women: Susannah Watson and the convicts of the Princess Royal, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, 2008.

Teale, Ruth, ed., Colonial Eve: sources of women in Australia 1788-1914, OUP, Melbourne, 1982.

Tuff, Shirley, The wanton witches of the Wanstead, S. Tuff, Canberra, 1990.

Voytas, Suzanne, Elizabeth 1828: the worst and most turbulent, Springwood, 2010.

Additional Reading

Abbott, Edith, ‘Women in Industry: The Manufacture of Boots and Shoes’, American Journal of Sociology, vol. 15, no. 3, 1909, View at Jstor

Allen, Dr. Matt, Sober and Orderly? A Short History of Policing Public Drunkenness in New South Wales, University of New England, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Criminology Research Seminar Series, presented 6 Oct 2015

Barnard, Simon, Convict Tattoos: Marked Man and Women of Australia, The Text Publishing Company, Melbourne, 2016

Bateson, Charles, The Convict Ships 1787-1868, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1974

Baxter, Carol, ed., General Muster of New South Wales 1814, ABGR, Sydney, 1987

Baxter, C.J., ed., General Muster List of NSW: 1823, 1824, 1825, ABGR, Sydney, 1999

Beaumont, Ann and Maitland Council, Morpeth Courthouse, a place of justice, a place of community, Maitland City Council with assistance from Morpeth Management Group, Maitland, 2009

Boyle, Harry, ‘Some Women in Hunter Valley History: Molly Morgan’, Raymond Terrace Historical Society Journal, April 1986

Bubacz, Beryl, The Male and Female Orphan Schools in N.S.W. 1801-1850; PhD thesis, Department of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney, 2007, View at Sydney Uni

Byrne, C.J., Twelve Years’ Wanderings in the British Colonies from 1835 to 1847, Richard Bentley, London,1848

Champion, Ben, Days of Long Ago, Newcastle and Hunter District Historical Society, Newcastle, 1953

Clements, Pauline M., Burials in St Paul’s Church Cemetery, Paterson, Paterson Historical Society, Paterson, 1996

Cunningham, Peter, Two Years in New South Wales, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1966

Dangar, Henry, The River Hunter, the Lands of the Australian Agricultural Company, with Ground-Plan and Allotments of King’s Town, NSW, London, 1828, View at SLNSW

Davies, Noel, Convict Nobbys, self-published, 1996

Delaney, John W. (Jack), Newcastle: Its First Twenty Years: The Irish Rebellion and the Settlement of Newcastle, self-published, 2004

Delaney, John W. (Jack), ‘The First Convicts of Newcastle’, Newcastle and Hunter District Historical Society Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 3, Oct 2002

Dixon, Miriam, The Real Matilda: Women and Identity in Australia, 1788 to the Present, 4th edn., University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 1999

Donnison, Henry and Gosford District Local History Study Group, The Brisbane Water Case 1837-1838, Gosford District Local History Study Group, Narara, 1989

Dunn, Judith, Colonial Ladies: Lovely, Lively and Lamentably Loose: crime reports from the Sydney Herald relating to the Female Factory Parramatta, 1831-1835, Judith Dunn, Winston Hills, 2008

Dunn, Mark, A Valley in a Valley: Colonial struggles over land and resources in the Hunter Valley, NSW 1820–1850, PhD Thesis, University of NSW, 2015

Foley, Jean Duncan, In quarantine: a history of Sydney’s Quarantine Station 1828-1984, Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, 1995

Flynn, Michael, The Second Fleet: Britain’s Grim Convict Armada of 1790, Library of Australian History, Sydney, 2001

Goold, F., ‘Inns & Taverns of Old Newcastle’, Newcastle & Hunter District Historical Society Journal, February 1951

Guilford, Elizabeth, ed., Hunter Valley Directory 1841, Hunter Valley Publications, Mayfield, 1987

Halliday, Stephen, Newgate: London’s Prototype of Hell, The History Press, U.K., 2008

Hartley, Dulcie, Settlers of the Big Swamps, D.T. Hartley, self-published, 1986

Hartley, Dulcie, Men of their Time: Pioneers of the Hunter River, Aquila Agribusiness P/L, North Arm Cove, 1995

Haynes, Jim, Heroes, Rebels and Radicals of Convict Australia, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, 2023 (includes a chapter on Sapy Lovell)

Hirst, J.B., Convict Society and its Enemies, George & Unwin, Sydney, 1983

Historical Records of New South Wales, View online at NLA

Historical Records of Australia, View online at NLA

Hunter, Cynthia, Boydell, W. Ranald, Time gentlemen please! Maitland’s hotels past and present, Maitland City Council, 2004

Liston, Carol, ‘Convict Women in the Female Factories New South Wales’, Royal Australian Historical Society, www.rahs.org.au

McLachlan, Iaen, Place of Banishment: Port Macquarie 1818-1832, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1988

McLelland, James, Pioneers of Newcastle, Barford Printing and Publishing, Earlwood, 1985

Mahony, M.K., My Convict Ancestors, Their 53 years in the Colony, Private Publication, 2016

Maitland Family History Circle, Pre 1900 Pioneer Register Volume 2, Maitland Family History Circle, Maitland, 2001 MPR

Maxwell-Stewart, Hamish, ‘The search for the convict voice’, Tasmanian Historical Studies, vol. 6, Issue 1, 1998

Melville, Rosemary, A Harbour from a Creek: a History of the Port of Newcastle, Newcastle Port Corporation, Newcastle, 2014

Mitchell, Cecily Joan, Hunter’s River: a History of early families and the homes they built in the Lower Hunter Valley between 1830 and 1860, Estate of Cecily Joan Mitchell, Newcastle, 1984

Mitchell, F., Molly Morgan, Orphans Press, Leominster, UK, 1980

Morrison, Frederick W., The Aldine Centennial History of New South Wales, Aldine Publishing Co., Sydney, 1888

Murray, Joan, The Vision Splendid: Christ Church Cathedral, a Parish History, Magazine Associates, Hamilton, 1991

Murray, Peter, From Batahbah to Belmont; a history of the first century of European settlement 1826-1926, Newcastle, 1995

Mutch, T.D., Memorandum on the Family of John Tucker of Albion Farm, Paterson River, Raymond Terrace Historical Society, Raymond Terrace, 1954

Nicholas, Stephen, ed., Convict Workers: Reinterpreting Australia’s Past, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1988

Oxley, Deborah, ‘Packing (her) economic bags: Convict women workers’, Australian Historical Studies, vol. 26, Issue 102, 1994

Richards, Shirley and Muller, Peter, Morpeth: Where Bishops and Ships Once Rode Tall, Kookaburra Educational, Morpeth, 1989

Richardson, Jan, ‘Invisible Stories: The Presence of Female Convicts in Queensland following the Closure of the Moreton Bay Penal Settlement in 1842’, Download from academia.com

Ritchie, John, ed., The Evidence of the Bigge Reports (Vol.1, Oral Evidence), Heinemann, Melbourne, 1971

Roberts, David Andrew, ‘Colonial Gulag: the populating of the Port Macquarie penal settlement, 1821-1832’, History Australia, Oct 2017

Robertson, Paul, Proclaiming Unsearchable Riches: Newcastle and the Minority Evangelical Anglicans 1788-1900, Gracewing Pub., UK, 1996

Roxburgh, Rachael, Early Colonial Homes of New South Wales, Ure Smith, Sydney, 1974

Rules and Regulations for the Management of the Female Convicts in the New Factory at Parramatta, Jan 1821, Sydney, State Library NSW,  View at SLNSW

Ryan, R. J. and New South Wales Land Titles Office, Land Grants 1788-1809, Australian Documents Library, Sydney, 1981

St John’s Roman Catholic Church, Parish West Maitland

Sargent, Clem, The Colonial Garrison 1817-1824, T.C.S. Publications, ACT, 1996

Shilling, Ken and Hunter, Cynthia, Huntington’s History of Newcastle and the Northern District, Newcastle Family History Society, Lambton, 2009

Slater, John, Description of Sydney, Parramatta, Newcastle &c Settlements in New South Wales with some account of the Manners and Employment of Convicts in a Letter to his Wife in Nottingham, 1819, State Library NSW, View at SLNSW

Thompson, Edward, The Making of the English Working Class, Vintage, New York, 1966

Turner, J., ed., Newcastle as a Convict Settlement: the evidence before J.T. Bigge, Newcastle History Monograph No. 7, in association with Newcastle and Hunter District Historical Society, Newcastle, 1973

Turner, J.W., When Newcastle was Sydney’s Siberia, Hunter History Publications, Newcastle, 1980

Windross, John and Ralston, J.P., Historical Records of Newcastle 1797-1897, facsimile reprint, Library of Australian History, Newcastle, 1897